Carson Undergraduate Summer Research Grant

Carson Grants are available to students who would like to spend a summer researching a scholarly, creative, or professional subject, with the guidance and aid of a faculty sponsor. Generally, 10 grants of up to $3000 each are awarded each year. Students may apply for grants individually or jointly with other students. Once the projects are complete, the students present their findings to the campus community. Politics majors who have received this award are listed below.

How to apply

Past Winners

Alexis Walker
Frederick Douglass' Tour of Ireland and the Transatlantic Abolitionist Movement Faculty Sponsor: Richard Ellis

Devadatta Gandhi
Iraqis in Jordan and the Insufficient International Refugee Concept
Faculty Sponsor: Joe Bowersox

Maegan Lindsay
Pioneering on the Health Care Frontier: An Application of the Deliberative Democracy Justice Theory to the Case Study of the Oregon Health Plan
Faculty Sponsor: Sammy Basu

Travis Brouwer
The New Politics of Community: The Origins, Principles, and Influence of Political Communitarianism
Faculty Sponsor: Robert Hawkinson

Caty Haber
Las Desaparecideas de Democracia (The Disappeared of Democracy)
Faculty Sponsor: Sammy Basu

Tiffany Ellis and Kara Ritzheimer
Bentham Comes to America: The Hidden Influences of Jeremy Bentham on America Political and Legal Thought
Faculty Sponsor: Sammy Basu

Ami Korsunsky
From Argentina to Birobidzhan: Argentine Jewish Participation in the Establishment of a Jewish Homeland in the Soviet Far East.
Faculty Sponsor: Richard Spielman

Stephen Kirk
A History of the Theory of the Presidential Mandate
Faculty Sponsor: Richard Ellis

Laura Zinniker
Race as a Determinant of French Immigration Policy
Faculty Sponsor: Suresht Bald

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Department of Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics

Smullin Hall 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6293 voice
503-370-6720 fax

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