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Todd Silverstein

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Specialty: Biochemistry

Headshot of Todd Silverstein

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


  • M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A., Brandeis University

Professional Interests

Biological membranes and bioenergetics; excitable membranes and energy transduction; sensory signal transduction; enzyme inhibition by toxic heavy metals.

Personal Interests

I am a folk musician (tinwhistle, bouzouki, guitar, mandolin, sax), dance caller (contras and squares), singer and dancer; I bicycle as well.


  • Tanor Morinaka* and T.P. Silverstein (2022). “Literature Discrepancy: What is the molar absorptivity of ABTS?” J. Undergrad. Chem. Res. 21(4), 100-105.
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.R. Rosé (2022) “Dependence of quinone electrochemistry on solvent polarity and pH” J. Electrochem. Soc. 169, 045502; [DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ ac5efe]
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  • T.P. Silverstein and Tien Dai (2022) “Analysis of nicotine in dog hair: Significant dose-response to passive smoke” J. Undergrad. Chem. Res. 21(1), 7-10.
  • T.P. Silverstein and Lars Blomberg(2021) “Effects of chymotrypsin unfolding on structure and function: Changes in intrinsic fluorescence and enzyme activity do not always tell the same story” J. Undergrad. Chem. Res. 20(4), 84-90.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2021) “The proton in biochemistry: Impacts on bioenergetics, biophysical chemistry, and bioorganic chemistry” Front. Molec. Biosci. 8, 1033; https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmolb.2021.764099/full
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  • J.C. Williamson and T.P. Silverstein (2021) “The sweetness of aspartame: Introducing key statistical concepts in an upper division bioanalytical laboratory project” J. Chem. Educ. 98, 1233-1241; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01072
  • T.P. Silverstein (2021) “Enzyme free energy diagrams: Enzyme-substrate binding is always spontaneous” J. Chem. Educ. 98(3), 1049-51; doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01370
  • T.P. Silverstein (2020) “The Hydrophobic Effect:  Is water afraid, or just not that interested?”  ChemTexts 6: 26.  DOI:  10.1007/s40828-020-00117-8
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.D. Bumgarner (2020) “GLUCOSE DECREASES THE ACTIVITY COEFFICIENT OF HYDROXIDE ANION: EFFECTS ON pH, pKa, AND ENZYME pH PROFILE”  Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research 19(3), 8 – 15.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2020) “CoViD-19 epidemic follows the “kinetics” of enzymes with Cooperative substrate binding”  Biochem. Molec. Biol. Educ. 48(x), 446–449; doi: 10.1002/bmb.21397 
  • S.T. Heller and T.P. Silverstein (2020) “pKa values in the undergraduate curriculum: Introducing pKa Values Measured in DMSO to Illustrate Solvent Effects” ChemTexts 6: 15; doi:10.1007/s40828-020-00112-z
  • T.P. Silverstein and K.M. Slade (2019) "Effects of macromolecular crowding on biochemical systems" J. Chem. Educ. 96, 2476-2487; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00399
  • T.P. Silverstein (2019) "When both Km and Vmax are altered, is the enzyme
    inhibited or activated?" Biochem. Molec. Biol. Educ. 47(4), 446–449; doi: 10.1002/bmb.21235
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.C. Williamson (2019) "Liposome permeability probed by laser light scattering" Biochem. Molec. Biol. Educ. 47(3), 239–246; doi: 10.1002/bmb.21226
  • T.P. Silverstein and S.T. Heller (2017) "pKa values in the undergraduate curriculum: What is the real pKa of water?" J. Chem. Educ.94, 690-695.
  • A. Stratton, M. Ericksen, T.V. Harris, N. Symmonds, T.P. Silverstein (2016) "Mercury(II) binds to both of chymotrypsin’s histidines, causing inhibition, followed by irreversible denaturation/aggregation" Protein Science (2017) 26, 292-305.
  • T.P. Silverstein, S. R. Kirk, S. Meyer, K. L. McFarlane Holman. "Myoglobin structure and function: A multi-week biochemistry laboratory project", Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 43, 181-188 (2015); also published online at ""
  • T.P. Silverstein (2016) "The alcohol dehydrogenase kinetics laboratory: Enhanced data analysis and student-designed mini-projects" J. Chem. Educ. 93, 963-970.
  • T.P. Silverstein, S.R. Kirk, S.C. Meyer, K.L.M. Holman (2015) "Myoglobin structure and function: A multi-week biochemistry laboratory project" Biochem. Molec. Biol. Educ., 43(3), 181-188.
  • T.P. Silverstein, K. Hansen*, A. Zimmerman* (2014) "Can sunscreen give you cancer? Monitoring the TiO2-catalyzed photogeneration of H2O2 using the luminol/horseradish peroxidase chemiluminescence assay" J. Undergrad. Chem. Res., 13(3), 40-44.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2014) "An Exploration of How Mitochondrial Thermodynamic Efficiency and P/O Ratios Vary with c-Subunit Stoichiometry of Diverse F1F0 ATP Synthases" J. Bioenerg. Biomembr., 46, 229-241.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2014) "The Aqueous Proton is Hydrated by More Than One Water Molecule: Is the Hydronium Ion a Useful Conceit?" J. Chem. Educ. 91, 608-610.
  • T.P. Silverstein, K.L. McFarlane Holman, and J.C. Williamson (2014) "Undergraduate research and the chemistry major capstone experience at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University" CUR Quarterly 34(4), 34-35.
  • T.P. Silverstein and D.E. Goodney (2013) "Using the Tyrosinase-based Biosensor to Determine the Concentration of Phenolics in Wine" J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1710-1712.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2012) "Falling Enzyme Activity as Temperature Rises: Negative Activation Energy or Denaturation?" J. Chem. Educ. 89(9), 1097-1099.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2012) "Marcus Theory: Thermodynamics CAN Control the Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reactions" accepted by J. Chem. Educ. 89(9), 1159-1067.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2012) "Fitting Imidazole H-NMR Titration Data to the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation" J. Chem. Educ. 89(11), 1474-1475.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2011) "Photosynthetic Water Oxidation vs. Mitochondrial Oxygen Reduction: Distinct Mechanistic Parallels" J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 43, 437-446.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2011) "Improvements for Pinhas's Kinetic Study of Sanitizer Evaporation" J. Chem. Educ., 88, 1589-90.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2011) "The Solvated Proton is NOT H3O+!" J. Chem. Educ. 88, 875. {Most-read letter in JCE in the third quarter of 2011.}
  • T.P. Silverstein (2011) "The Nuts and Bolts of Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics: Suggestions and Corrections" J. Chem. Educ. 88, 167-168.
  • T.P Silverstein (2011) "Oxidation and Reduction: Too Many Definitions?" J. Chem. Educ. 88, 279-281. {Second most-read commentary in JCE in the first quarter of 2011.}
  • T.P. Silverstein and D.E. Goodney (2010) "Enzyme-Linked Biosensors: Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Need Not Apply" J. Chem. Educ. 87, 905-907.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2009) "Historical Scientific Literature and the Spreading of Oil on Water" J. Chem. Educ. 86, 807.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2008) "Hydrophobic Solvation NOT via Clathrate Water Cages" J. Chem. Educ. 85(7), 917-8.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2008) "Quantitative determination of DNA-Ligand Binding: Improved Data Analysis by Nonlinear Regression" J. Chem. Educ. 85(9), 1192-3.
  • S.R. Kirk, T.P.Silverstein, K.M. Holman (2008) "Metal-Catalyzed Cleavage of tRNAPhe" J. Chem.Educ. 85 (5), 676-7.
  • S.R. Kirk, T.P.Silverstein, K.M. Holman (2008) "UV Thermal Melting Curves of tRNAPhe in the Presence of Ligands" J. Chem. Educ., 85(5), 674-5.
  • S.R. Kirk, T.P.Silverstein, K.M. Holman (2008) "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of tRNAPhe Y Base in the Presence of Mg2+ and Small Molecule Ligands" J. Chem. Educ. 85(5), 678-9.
  • S.R. Kirk, T.P. Silverstein, K.M. Holman, and B.L.H. Taylor (2008) "Probing Changes in the Conformation of tRNAPhe: An Integrated Biochemistry Laboratory Course" J. Chem. Ed., 85(5), 666-673.
  • S. Kirk, T.P. Silverstein, and J. Willemsen (2006) "Teaching Biologically Relevant Chemistry Throughout the Four-Year Chemistry Curriculum" J. Chem. Educ. 83(8), 1171-1175.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2005) "The Mitochondrial Phosphate-to-Oxygen Ratio is Not an Integer" Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 33 (Nov.): 416-417.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2005) "The Reaction Quotient (Q) IS Useful After All" J. Chem. Educ. 82(8), 1149.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2005) "Redox Redux: A Response to Feinman’s "Oxidation-Reduction Calculations in the Biochemistry Course" Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 32, 161–166.
  • S. Stavrianeas and T. Silverstein (2005) "Teaching Glycolysis Regulation to Undergraduates Using an Electrical Power Generation Analogy" Adv. Physiol. Educ. 29:128-130.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Proposed Improvements to the Lab ‘Equilibrium Binding of Phenol Red to Protein’ " J. Chem. Educ. 81(5), 645.
  • T.P. Silversetin (2004) "Evaluating Weak vs. Tight Coomassie Blue-Protein Binding" J. Chem. Educ. 81(3), 335.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Using a Graphing Calculator to Determine a First-Order Rate Constant" J. Chem. Educ. 81(4), 485.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Suggestions to Expand the Lab Project 'The Sweetness of Aspartame'" J. Chem. Educ. 81(2), 197.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Cohesive and Adhesive Forces vs. Surface Tension Gradients-Revisited" J. Chem. Educ. 81(1), 35.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2003) "Ant Velocity: Temperature Dependence and Activation Energy of a Complex Biological Process" J. Chem. Educ. 80(11), 1257.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Equilibrium: A Teaching/Learning Activity" J. Chem. Educ. 77(11), 1410.T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Graphing Calculator Strategies for Solving Chemical Equilibrium Problems" J. Chem. Educ. 77(9), 1120.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Weak vs. Strong Acids and Bases: The Football Analogy" J. Chem. Educ. 77(7), 849-50.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1999) "The Big Dog/Puppy Dog Analogy for Resonance" J. Chem. Educ. 76(2), 206-7.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1998) "Why Do Alcoholic Beverages Have 'Legs'?" J. Chem. Educ. 75(6), 723-724.
  • T.P. Silverstein and Yi Zhang (1998) "Sugar Dehydration Without Sulfuric Acid: No More Choking Fumes in the Classroom!" J. Chem. Educ. 75(6), 748-9.
  • T.P. Silverstein and E.R. Johnson (1998) "The Effect of Cooking on the Vitamin C Content of Green Pepper"Chem. Educ. Resources (ANAL 501).
  • T.P. Silverstein (1998) "The Real Reason Why Oil and Water Don't Mix" J. Chem. Educ. 75(1), 116-118.
  • Y. Zhang and T.P. Silverstein (1997) "The Use of Cyanide at Heap Leach Gold Mines: Safe, Effective Mining Technique or Environmental Nightmare?" ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Journal issue #11, pp. 1-23.
  • T.P. Silverstein, N.J. Hudak, F.H. Chapple, D.E. Goodney, C.P. Brink, and J.P. Whitehead (1997) "Scientific Communication and the Unified Laboratory Sequence" J. Chem. Educ. 74(2), 150-152.
  • H. Akers, T.P. Silverstein, J. Sipe (1995) Instructor's Manual for Zubay's Biochemistry, 3rd edn., Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA, ISBN 0-697-14268X.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1995) "Breaking Bonds vs. Chopping Heads: The Enzyme as Butcher" J. Chem. Educ. 72 (7), 645-646.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1995) "The Physical Reality of Molecules: They're Dense and They Move Around!" J. Chem. Educ. 72(2), 177.
  • C.P. Brink, D.E. Goodney, N.J. Hudak, and T.P. Silverstein (1995) "A Novel Spiral Approach to Introductory Chemistry Using Case Studies of Chemistry in the Real World" J. Chem. Educ. 72(6), 530-532.
  • T.P. Silverstein and N.J. Hudak (1994) "Where Have all the Chem Majors Gone?" CUR Quarterly 14(3), 127-130.
  • T.P. Silverstein, L. Cheng, and J.F. Allen (1993) "Chloroplast Thylakoid Protein Phosphatase Reactions are Redox-Independent and Kinetically Heterogeneous" FEBS Lett. 334(1), 101-105.
  • T.P. Silverstein, L.Cheng, and J.F. Allen (1993) "Redox Titration of Multiple Protein Phosphorylations in Pea Chloroplast Thylakoids" Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1183, 215-220.
  • T.P. Silverstein et al (1993) : "Transmembrane Measurements Across Bioenergetic Membranes" Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1183, 1-3.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1993) "Polarity, Miscibility, and Surface Tension of Liquids" J. Chem. Ed. 70(3), 253.
  • T.P. Silverstein and L.E. Blomberg (1992) "Probing Denaturation by Moni- toring Residual Enzyme Activity and Intrinsic Fluorescence: An Under- graduate Biochemistry Experiment." J. Chem. Ed. 69(10), 852-855.
  • H. Rottenberg, T. Silverstein, K. Hashimoto, S. Steiner-Mordoch (1990) "ATP Synthesis Driven by Intramembranal Protons" in Molec. Struct. ,Func. ,& Assembly of ATP Synthases, ed. S. Marzuki, Plenum, NY, pp. 195-203.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1989) "Evolution of ATP Synthases" Trends Bchem. Sci.14, 480.

Invited Talks and Conference Presentations

  • J.C. Williamson and T.P. Silverstein (2014) “Laser Light Scattering Investigations of Membrane Permeability and Lipid Phase Transitions in the Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory” CHED #? at the 248th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Aug. 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • T.P.Silverstein (2014) “Mitochondrial Thermodynamic Efficiency and P/O Ratios are Controlled by the F1F0 ATP Synthase C-Subunit Stoichiometry” Biophys. J. 106(2), 372a; poster # 1874-Pos at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Bio-physical Society, Feb. 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • T.P.Silverstein and S.R. Kirk (2014) “An Integrated, Instrument Intensive Project-Based Biochemistry Laboratory for Enhanced Student Learning and Research” Biophys. J. 106(2), 218a; poster # 1103-Pos at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Bio-physical Society, Feb. 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • S.R. Kirk and T.P. Silverstein, (2013) “Integrated, Instrument-intensive, Project-based Biochemistry Laboratory for Enhanced Student Learning and Research” CHED #346 at the 246th National Meeting of the American Chem. Soc., Sept. 2013, Indianapolis, IN.
  • T.P. Silverstein and S.R. Kirk, (2012) “Integrated, Instrument-intensive, Project-based Biochemistry Laboratory” CHED #459 at the 244th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 2012, Philadelphia, PA.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2012) ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University PBK chapter representative at the 43rd Triennial Council of the National Phi Beta Kappa Society, Aug. 2012, Palm Beach, FL.
  • T.P. Silverstein “Marcus Theory in Enzyme-Catalyzed Electron Transfer” (2010) Presentation to the Biosensor and Biofuel group meeting, March 2010, National University of Ireland-Galway.
  • S.R. Kirk, T.P. Silverstein, J.C. Williamson, D.E. Goodney, K.M. Holman, A.P. Duncan (2010) “Year-Long Integrated Biochemistry Laboratory: An Instrument-Intensive Approach to the Study of Biomolecules” CHED #98 at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 2010, San Francisco, CA
  • M. Davis (2007, reviewed and checked by T.P. Silverstein and D.J. Campbell) "Guitar Strings as Standing Waves" J. Chem. Educ. 84(8), 1287-9.
  • S.R. Kirk, K.M. Holman, T.P. Silverstein (2005) “Integrated Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory: A Case Study Using tRNA(Phe)” CHED #262 at the 229th Amer. Chem. Soc. National Meeting, March 2005, San Diego, CA.
  • D.E. Goodney, T.P. Silverstein, K.M. Holman, S.R. Kirk, J.J. Willemsen, and J.C. Williamson (2005) “Using Case Studies of Chemistry in the Real World to Teach Second Semester Introductory Chemistry” CHED #252 at the 229th Amer. Chem. Soc. National Meeting, March 2005, San Diego, CA.
  • T.V. Harris, M. Ericksen and T.P. Silverstein (2004) “Further Confirmation of Mercury(II) Inhibition of Chymotrypsin via Binding to Histidine.” 13th Regional Conference on Undergraduate Research (Murdock College Science Research Program), Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR; Nov. 2004.
  • M. Ericksen and T.P. Silverstein (2004) “Mercury(II) Inhibits Chymotrypsin by Binding to Histidine, Not Cysteine, Side Chains.” 227th Amer. Chem. Soc. National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Mar. 2004, and IUBMB/ASBMB annual conference, Boston, MA; June 2004; FASEB J. 18(8), page C139, #65.12.
  • M. Ericksen and T.P. Silverstein (2003) "Inhibition of Chymotrypsin by mercuric chloride: Surprisingly, the effect is not cysteine-related." 12th Regional Conference on Undergraduate Research/Murdock College Science Research Program, Pacific Lutheran Univ., Tacoma, WA; 7-8 Nov. 2003.
  • E. Vitz, W. Deese, and T.P. Silverstein (2002) Workshop Co-coordinators for "Developing Demonstrations for the Chemistry Classroom" 17th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bellingham, WA, July 2002.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Electron Transfer Steps Within Redox Enzymes: Using Thermodynamics as a Guide" 219th ACS National Meeting, SF, CA, Mar. 2000.
  • D.E. Goodney, C.P. Brink, & T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Spiral/Case Study Approach to Introductory Chemistry" 219th CS National Meeting, SF, CA Mar. 2000.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2000) "Chemical Applications and Analogies: The Real Reason Why Oil and Water Don't Mix, and the Big Dog/Puppy Dog' Analogy for Resonance" 219th ACS National Meeting, SF, CA, March 2000.
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.F. Allen (1999) "A Redox-Controlled, pH-Dependent Thylakoid Protein Kinase: Is Plastoquinol the Activating Ligand?" American Chemical Society Regional Meeting, Portland, OR; June 1999.
  • J. Koivisto, K. Olsen, and T.P. Silverstein (1999) "Low pH Does not Alter the Sodium Permeability of Frog Skin" Proc. OR Acad. Sci. 35, 20.
  • K. Olsen, and T.P. Silverstein (1999) "The Orange Clock Demonstration: Is H+ Really the Electron Acceptor at the Cathode?" Proc. OR Acad. Sci. 35, 23.
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.F. Allen (1998) "Influence of pH on the Redox Control of Thylakoid Protein Phosphorylation" EUCHEM Protein Phosphorylation Conference, Stockholm, Sweden; Aug. 1998.
  • T.P. Silverstein, J.F.Allen (1998) "A Redox-Controlled, pH-Dependent Thylakoid Protein Kinase: Is Plastoquinol the Activating Ligand? Bphys.J. 74(2), A79.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1996) "Explaining Enzyme Kinetics Using the 'Butcher' Analogy" 14th Biennial Conf. on Chem. Educ'n, 4-8 Aug. Clemson SC.
  • T.P. Silverstein, C.P. Brink, N.J. Hudak, D.E. Goodney (1996) "A Novel Approach to Introductory Chemistry: The 'Spiral/Case Study' Approach" 14th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, 4-8 Aug., Clemson SC.
  • C.P. Brink, T.P. Silverstein, D.E. Goodney, N.J. Hudak (1996) "The Spiral Case Study Approach to Intro. Chem." Project Kaleidoscope Workshop: Revitalizing Introductory Chemistry, 15 March 1996, Columbia Univ., NY.
  • T.P. Silverstein, L. Cheng, J.F.Allen (1994) "Redox Titration of Chloroplast Thylakoid Protein Phosphorylation: Evidence for a Single Redox-Controlled Kinase and a Redox-Independent Phosphatase" Biophysical J. 66(2), A114.
  • J.R. Rose´ and T.P. Silverstein (1991) "Quinone Redox Potentials: The Medium is the Message, or, the Variation of E° with Dielectric Constant." Biophysical Journal 59, 519a.
  • T.P. Silverstein & L.A. Braby (1990) "Membrane Proteins Sensitize Sonicated Lipid Membranes to Radiation Damage" Biophysical Journal 57, 270a.
  • T.P. Silverstein and L.A. Braby (1989) "Large Radiation Doses Leave Sonicated Lipid Vesicles Intact" Biophysical Journal 55, 115a.
  • T.P. Silverstein and H. Rottenberg (1987) "Dynamic Protein Aggregates in the Mitochrondrial Inner Membrane Probed by Time-Resolved Anisotropy Measurements of Erythrosin-Labeled F1," Biophysical Journal 51, 489a.
  • T.P. Silverstein and W.L. Hubbell (1985) "Molecular Dynamics at Membrane Surfaces Probed by Spin Exchange," Biophysical J. 47, 364a.

Publications (Opinion Essays)

  • T.P. Silverstein (2011) Chron. Higher Educ. 57(43), A18.
  • T. P. Silverstein (2007) "Islamic Science Faded Before Colonialism" Nature 448, 864.
  • T. P. Silverstein, (2007) "Global Warming Agnostics" Chem. & Eng. News 85(42), 5-6.
  • T. P. Silverstein (2006) "State Functions vs. State Governments" J. Chem. Educ. 83(6), 847.
  • T. P. Silverstein (2006) Reply to "Sugar Dehydration without Sulfuric Acid" J. Chem. Educ. 83(5), 701.
  • T. P. Silverstein (2005) "Chemistry as General Education" J. Chem. Educ. 82, 838.
  • T.P. Silverstein, D. Goodney, K. Holman, S. Kirk, J. Willemsen, J.C. Williamson (2003) "Model Introductory Chemistry Courses" Chem. & Eng. News 81(7), 6.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2002) "Climate Change Debate" Chem. & Eng. News 80 (23), 6.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1999) "New vs. Old Pennies: Chemistry" Science News (March 27, 1999) 155(13), 195.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1999), book review of Principles of Physical Biochemistry, by van Holde, Johnson, and Ho, Prentice-Hall, 1998; published in J. Chem. Ed.,76(4), 474.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1998) " U.S. Students Not So Bad" The Scientist 12 (20), 8.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1998) "Toxics Information" Chem. & Eng. News 76 (10), 2.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1996) "Teaching Evolution" Science 274 (8 Nov.), 904-5.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1995) "Asymmetry and Fitness: Statistically Significant?" Science News (April 22, 1995) 147(16), 243.
  • T.P. Silverstein, C.P. Brink, D.E. Goodney, and N.J. Hudak (1995) "Another Innovative Curriculum" Chemical & Engineering News 73 (33), 2-3.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1991) "Paper vs. Polystyrene: Environmental Effects" Chemical & Engineering News 69 (17), 2-3.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1990) "Radiation: Fear or Respect?" Chemical & Engineering News 68 (29), 45.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1990) "Cyanide in Gold Mining" Oregon Conifer 13 (4), 7.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1989) "Public Image of the Chemical Industry" Chemical & Engineering News 67 (30), 2-3.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2006) "To Fight Terrorism, Fight Injustice" Salem Statesman-Journal, August 1, 2006, p. 6C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2005) "Support Education for Children of Illegal Immigrants" Salem Statesman-Journal, June 16, 2005, p. 6C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Professor’s Answer to Student’s Virus Question" Salem Statesman-Journal, Sept. 10, 2004, p. 8C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2004) "Keep Medical Waste Out" Salem Statesman-Journal, March 27, 2004, p. 6C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2003) "Bush Ignores Contrary Facts" Salem Statesman-Journal, July 15, 2003, p. 7C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2003) "Municipal Water Costs" Salem Statesman-Journal, Feb. 11, 2003, p. 4C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (2002) "Bush’s Forest Plan is Ill-Advised" Salem Statesman-Journal, Aug. 29, 2002, p. 6C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1999) "Big Cars and Air Pollution" Salem Statesman-Journal July 13, 1999, p. 5C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1998) "Timber Rules Can Save Fish" Salem Statesman-Journal Nov. 27, 1998, p. 11C.
  • T.P. Silverstein (1995) "North Santiam Copper Mine Could Pollute Our Watershed" Salem Statesman-Journal May 27, 1995, p..
  • T.P. Silverstein (1994) "Oregon Needs Law for Safe Gold Mining" Salem Statesman-Journal Nov. 7, 1994, p. 11A.

Manuscripts in Preparation

  • T.V. Harris, M. Ericksen and T.P. Silverstein "Mercury(II) Inhibits Chymotrypsin both Competitively, and also by Causing Aggregation; Aggregation Depends on Enzyme Histidines, not Cysteines"
  • S. Walsh, B. Creelan and T.P. Silverstein "Inhibition of Restriction Enzymes by Mercury(II) Can Occur Independently of Cysteine Binding"
  • T.P. Silverstein, R. Feinman, and E.J. Fine "Applying the Laws of Thermo-dynamics to Low Carb Diets: Calories are NOT all Created Equal"
  • T.P. Silverstein and J.F. Allen "The pH-Dependency of Redox-Controlled Thylakoid Protein Phosphorylation: Is Plastoquinone the Redox Sensor?"
  • T.P. Silverstein and Katy Olsen "The Redox-Driven Orange Juice Clock: Protons are Not Always the Electron Acceptors"
  • T.P. Silverstein and Tien Dai "Nicotine From Second Hand Smoke Analyzed in Pet Hair"
  • T.P. Silverstein "The Critical Nature of Protons in Biochemistry"
  • J.R. Rose and T.P. Silverstein "Quinone Redox Potentials: The Medium is the Message, or, the Variation of E° with Dielectric Constant."
  • T.P. Silverstein "Tyrosine-92 at the Active Site of Alliinase Serves Triple Duty in the Enzyme’s Catalytic Cycle"
ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Department of Chemistry

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6013 voice
503-375-5425 fax