Motor Vehicle/Automobile Liability

Automobile liability (auto liability) provides coverage for bodily injury and property damage arising out of the use of owned, hired and non-owned vehicles while on university business.

Report ALL motor vehicle accidents, regardless of dollar amount, to Campus Safety (503) 370-6911 IMMEDIATELY.

How to report a claim
  • If the incident involves a university-owned, rental, or personal (driven on university business) vehicle: please call Campus Safety at 503-370-6911 to have an incident report started and submit any supplemental items to safety@willamette.edu and riskmgmt-info@willamette.edu.
  • When a university vehicle is damaged by another party (third party) who is at fault for the accident, Risk Management will file a claim with the third party’s insurance company.
  • If the loss is due to a hit-and-run, theft, break-in, or vandalism, these incidents are criminal and need to be reported to law enforcement immediately.
  • If the incident occurred on university property, contact Campus Safety, otherwise contact local law enforcement.
Third Party with Vehicle Damage
  • Third parties who incur vehicle damage or injury at the fault of University drivers must contact Risk Management to initiate the claims process.

Phone: (503) 370-6119
Email: riskmgmt-info@willamette.edu.
Mailing Address: 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301


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