Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

Isabela Gaupo, office assistant for the Office of SRL, offers a Lenten reflection.

"During this Lenten season, I'm trying to step back and remember what's important in the long run. It's so easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks, worries and endless to-do lists, that I sometimes forget we are just small pieces in a large world. I don't mean to say that our lives are insignificant, rather I mean that life will go on no matter if we make mistakes or don’t finish everything on our to-do lists one day. What does make our lives significant is whether we treat ourselves and others with kindness– whether we slow down enough to enjoy the day, whether we bring happiness to other people’s lives, whether our actions are in line with making the world a better place for those other than ourselves. These are the things we will remember in 50 years, and these are the things the world will remember our generation for."

*Please be reminded, if you are interested in contributing to this Lenten series, we invite you to upload a short reflection using the link below.

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