MBA for Professionals students are automatically registered for the courses of their cohort by the Atkinson School Recorder (Karen Arthur) prior to each semester.

Students needing to register for a course other than those scheduled for their cohort must have the approval of the Dean. Students should first talk to Alex Subert, Senior Associate Dean, and then follow the process for "requesting an exception to academic policies and procedures" described at the bottom of this page. The Senior Associate Dean will confer with the Dean for a decision.

A student is considered officially registered only after fees have been paid or arrangements for payment have been made with the Student Accounts Office.

Course Sequence and Prerequisites
The MBA for Professionals curriculum is sequenced within three groups of courses: Foundational Knowledge courses; Functional Knowledge courses; and Synthesis and Integration courses. As such, the order in which the courses are taken is pre-determined for each cohort. Course groupings are as follows.

Foundational Knowledge Courses
LEAD: Leadership Effectiveness and Development
Data Analysis, Modeling and Decision Making
Accounting for Managers
Managing Organizations: Individuals, Teams and Human Resources
Managing Organizations: Design and Change

Functional Knowledge Courses
Creating and Implementing Market-Driven Strategies
Finance and Economics for Managers
Operations and Information Management

Synthesis and Integration Courses
Global Management & Innovation
Creating Value through Governance
Special Topics in Management
Strategic Management IMAP (Integrative Management Project) Capstone Course

Full-Time and Half-Time Course Loads
MBA for Professionals students who are enrolled for at least eight (8) MBA for Professionals credits (2 courses) per semester are classified as full-time MBA for Professionals students. The 8 credit per semester requirement for full-time status applies to any semester of enrollment, whether it be fall semester, spring semester or summer semester.

The 48 credit MBA for Professionals program is designed to include an 8 credit load for six consecutive semesters.

MBA for Professionals students who complete at least four (4) MBA for Professionals credits (1 course) per semester are classified as part-time students and meet the half-time enrollment requirement for federal loans.

Discontinuing a Course
The University reserves the right to discontinue any course for which the enrollment is insufficient.

Immunizations Required to Attend Class
ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University Immunization Policy requires every entering student enrolled at least half time (4 credits) who was born on or after January 1, 1957, must provide the university with evidence of having received two doses of measles vaccine on or after the first birthday with a minimum of 30 days between doses. Graduate students must be in compliance prior to the first day of classes, and will not be able to attend classes until the requirement is met. For more information call the Bishop Health Center at 503-370-6062 or visit Health Services.

Repeating a Course
MBAP students may not repeat a previously completed course unless the grade earned in that course was an “F” or a "C." To receive credit for the repeated course, the student must complete all requirements of the course as designated for the semester of repeat, and a significant additional deliverable assigned by the instructor of the repeated course.

When a course is repeated, only the grade received in the repeated course appears on the transcript and is used in calculating the grade point average. When a course with a “C” is repeated, the credits from the repeated course cannot be applied to the minimum number of credits required for graduation.

An MBAP student who wishes to repeat more than one course needs to obtain a written approval from the Senior Associate Dean.

Adding a Course
MBA for Professionals courses may not be added after the first course session of the semester, unless approved by instructor of the course. To add a course after the end of the first week of the semester, contact the Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at karthur@willamette.edu. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the add process in a timely manner.

Dropping a Course
Students considering dropping a course are encouraged to talk to the professor and the Senior Associate Dean prior to the decision. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the drop process in a timely manner.

To drop a course for the MBA for Professionals program, email the Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at karthur@willamette.edu and request to drop from the course. The email must be received by the Recorder before the deadline for dropping a course.

Deadlines for dropping an MBA-P course are listed in the academic calendar. Deadlines for the 2018-19 academic year are as follows:

  • The last day to drop an MBA for Professionals course without a "W" grade (withdrawal) showing on the transcript for fall semester 2018 is Friday, November 2, 2018.
  • The last day to drop an MBA course without a "W" grade (withdrawal) showing on the transcript for spring semester 2019 is Friday, March 8, 2019.
  • The last day to drop an MBA course without a "W" grade (withdrawal) showing on the transcript for summer semester 2019 is Friday, July 5, 2019.

Withdrawing from a Course
Students are responsible for initiating and completing the withdrawal process in a timely manner.

The deadline to withdraw from an MBA-P course is prior to the last scheduled class session of the course. Withdrawal from a course is shown on the permanent transcript as a "W." A grade if "W" does not affect the grade point average, and no credit is granted. Students considering withdrawing from a course are encouraged to talk to the professor and the Senior Associate Dean prior to the decision.

To withdraw from a MBA for Professionals course, email the Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at karthur@willamette.edu and request to withdraw from the course. The email must be received by the Recorder before the last scheduled class session of the course.

Complete Withdrawal from All Courses During a Semester
MBA for Professionals students who are considering withdrawing from all courses during a semester are encouraged to talk to the Senior Associate Dean and their professors prior to the decision.

MBA for Professionals students choosing to withdraw from all courses during a semester must complete and submit the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University "Complete Withdrawal Form" online.

Students are responsible for initiating and completing the withdrawal process in a timely manner. Submission of the online form will automatically email University administrative who need to know the information.

The student's official withdrawal date is the date the online form is submitted, the date the student began the institution's withdrawal process and officially notified the institution of intent to withdraw, or the midpoint of the period for a student who leaves without notifying the institution. The official date of withdrawal is the date used for any tuition adjustments. Information about university tuition refund policies is available on the financial policies page of the handbook.

Medical Withdrawal or Medical Incomplete
A medical withdrawal may be requested when a student has a documented medical or psychological condition preventing completion of the semester, or requiring a reduced course load. If approved, the student's transcript will reflect grades of "W" in all courses, and a comment of "Medical Withdrawal."

Normally, a student withdrawing from all courses under this situation will receive a tuition refund according to the University's published refund schedule, or a student may request a tuition credit in lieu of a refund by contacting the Controller in the University Business Office. Contact the Business Office for a copy "Policy and Procedure for Requesting a Tuition Credit Following Approval of a Medical Withdrawal."

If a student wants to complete his/her courses, but for documented medical or psychological reasons will need more time to complete one or more courses, a temporary grade of "Medical Incomplete" may be requested.

AGSM students requesting a medical withdrawal or medical incomplete are encouraged to contact Alex Subert, Senior Associate Dean, or Karen Arthur, Recorder/Records Analyst, to discuss options.  The ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University form for Medical Withdrawal is available at the University Registrar's Office.

Leave of Absence
Officially admitted students who have completed at least one semester of course work at the Atkinson School, and intend to enroll in less than one (1) Atkinson course for two (2) or more consecutive semesters should apply for a Leave of Absence. Students applying for a Leave of Absence must complete the following procedures prior to the end of the semester preceding the leave or within two weeks of the beginning of the semester on leave:

  • Complete an exit interview with the Senior Associate Dean.

Readmission Process for Students Who Leave the Program
Officially admitted students who enroll for less than one (1) Atkinson School course (four credits) for two (2) consecutive semesters must apply for readmission to the MBA program.

Students who apply for readmission to the MBA program will be automatically readmitted by the Senior Associate Dean if they meet the following six (6) criteria:

1. The student applied for and received a Leave of Absence; and
2. The student has submitted a letter to the Senior Associate Dean requesting readmission to the program; and
3. The student has a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher; and
4. The six (6) year completion date for the degree is feasible at the time of readmission; and
5. There were no pending disputes, disciplinary actions, or appeals at the time of withdrawal; and
6. The student has not previously applied for readmission.

Readmission status of students who do not qualify for automatic readmission will be determined by the Dean, who will consider the six (6) standards listed below in the evaluation of whether to grant the readmission request. The Dean's decision is final, and no further Atkinson appeal is available.

1. The six (6) criteria listed for automatic readmission; and
2. Quality of student's experience while absent from the program; and
3. Performance in alternate classes attended while absent from the program; and
4. Evidence of professional growth; and
5. Assessment of ability to successfully complete the program; and
6. Evidence of commitment to complete the program within the six (6) year completion requirement period.

Readmission requests involving an actual or predicted program completion date beyond the six (6) year completion period must include an appeal to the Dean for reinstatement of all course credit hours. The Dean's decision is final, and no further appeal is available

Final Exam Policy
Final exams will be conducted during the last week of the course and during the normal time of class, therefore there will be no more than one exam scheduled for each evening.

Request for Exception to Academic Policy or Procedure

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

MBA for Professionals

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

Portland Center

200 SW Market Street, Suite 101
Portland Oregon 97201 U.S.A.

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