1. What is WUPILP?
  2. What types of activities are involved?
  3. What is the Bid For Justice Auction?
  4. How do I become a Project member?
  5. Why donate?
  6. How do I donate?

1. What is WUPILP?

The ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University Public Interest Law Project (WUPILP) was formed in 1992 to educate and prepare future lawyers to recognize the inequities that exist in our legal system and to dedicate their professional lives to the development of a more just society. The organization is dedicated to increasing the awareness of students, faculty, administrators to the rewards and opportunities in public interest law through financial support, educational programs and community outreach. WUPILP members work to create public interest legal employment and training opportunities, to remove the economic barriers that confront future public interest lawyers and provide informational and inspirational resources for public service work. The Project achieves these goals primarily through the distribution of fellowships to students who devote their summers to working for public interest organizations. The Project is currently a member of .

2. What types of activities are involved?

WUPILP communicates volunteer opportunities, recent examples of which include activities with the recent political campaigns and Habitat for Humanity; sponsors social and fundraising opportunities through the school year, such as legal book and supplement sales, afternoon snacks, t-shirt sales, and the annual auction; and provides a summer fellowship that provides monetary grants enabling ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ law students to gain valuable professional experience with and assistance to nonprofit legal organizations that are unable to compensate legal clerks.

3. What is the Bid For Justice Auction?

Each spring, WUPILP invites the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ College of Law community, previous donors, local attorneys and judges, and the public to attend the annual Bid For Justice Auction. Bid For Justice is the largest event of the year for ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ students and alumni and the primary source of funding for the organization's summer fellowship program. The event begins with a silent auction and continues with a live auction, music, professor performances, great food, wine, and spirits.

4. How do I become a Project member?

Any student can become a member of WUPILP. There are no membership dues or strict membership requirements. For more information, contact one of the Executive Board Members.

5. Why donate?

WUPILP's supporters enjoy recognition as a Benefactor, Patron, Sponsor, Leader, Friend, or Donor, at least one complimentary admission ticket to the annual auction, and a tax deduction. WUPILP also offers advertisement of a donor’s company or organization on its website, in publicity for the Bid For Justice, in the auction program, and at the event itself. Finally, all donors receive updates from WUPILP and invitations to all Project sponsored functions, Benefactors and Patrons receiving at least one complimentary admission ticket to all functions.

Donations to WUPILP can be made in support of the organization as a whole or for specific programs and functions, such as the Summer Fellowship and the annual auction. Donations can also be made in the form of items to be sold at the annual auction, either during the silent or live auctions, or services for a WUPILP function.

6. How do I donate?

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ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Public Interest Law Project
College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301

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