ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Law Students for Sensible Drug Policy (ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ LSSDP) became a recognized student organization in fall 2017. is an international grassroots network of students dedicated to developing sound drug policy that addresses the impact of drug abuse on our communities. SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future. SSDP does this while fighting back against counterproductive policies — in particular, those that directly harm students and youth.

Prior ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ SSDP members have testified in the legislature, campaigned for voter-led initiatives, helped create the Oregon State Bar Cannabis Section, and submitted amicus briefs in the United States Supreme Court. We have developed contacts in both the private and public sector and invite all students who want to join our fast-growing network.

Contact us at wucl-lssdp@willamette.edu

Board of Directors:

Chair Erin Casini Email Erin
Srah Griffith
Director of Finance Devon Gonzalez-Yoxtheimer Email Devon
Director of Psychedelic Policy
Director at Large TBD
Faculty Advisor Susan Smith Email Prof. Smith
ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Law Students for Sensible Drug Policy

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 370-6380

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