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Symeon Symeonides

Alex L. Parks Distinguished Professor of Law; Dean Emeritus

Headshot of Symeon Symeonides

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Oregon Civic Justice Center 206
245 Winter Street SE
Salem  Oregon  97301


  • Private International Law: Idealism, Pragmatism, Eclecticism (Hague Academy of International Law, 2nd ed. 2021).
  • Cross-Border Infringement of Personality Rights via the Internet (Brill-Nijhoff, 2021).
  • Choice of Law in Practice: A Twenty-Year Report from the Trenches, 3 vols. (Brill-Nijhoff 2020).
  • (with Wendy C. Perdue), Conflict of Laws: American Comparative, International(West 4th ed. 2019).
  • Choice of Law in the American Courts (2011-2015) (Chinese translation by Prof. Tao Du, Law Press China 2018).
  • (with Peter Hay, Patrick Borchers & Christopher A. Whytock), Conflict of Laws(West, 6th ed. 2018).
  • Codifying Choice of Law Around the World: An International Comparative Analysis(Oxford University Press 2017).
  • Oxford Commentaries on American Law: Choice of Law (Oxford University Press, 2016).
  • Private International Law: United States of America (International Encyclopedia of Laws, 2015).
  • The American Choice-of-Law Revolution: Past, Present, and Future (The Hague Academy of International Law 2006).

Chapters in Books

  1. Contractual and Non-contractual Obligations in Private International Law and the Institute of International Law, in Livre du Sesquicentenaire de I'Institut de Droit international 1873-2023 (forthcoming 2022).
  2. Law Applicable to Contracts, in P. Beaumont & J. Holliday (eds.), Guide to Global Private International Law (Hart Studies in Priv. Int’l L., forthcoming 2022).
  3. Conflict of Laws in the ALI’s First Century, in R. Gordon & A. Gold (eds.), The ALI at 100: Essays on its Centennial (forthcoming 2022).
  4. New Rules for Tort Conflicts: The Proposed Third Conflicts Restatement, in L. Navarro Moreno (ed.), Desarrollos Modernos del Derecho Internacional Privado:Homenaje al Dr. Leonel Pereznieto CastroII 161–198 (2021).
  5. The Story of Party Autonomy, in D. Girsberger, T. Kadner Graziano & J.L. Neals (eds.), Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts,129–140 (Oxford 2021).
  6. Torts and Conflict of Laws, in M. Bussani & A. Sebok (eds.), Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives,35–62 (Elgar 2nd ed. 2021).
  7. , in F. Ferrari & D.P. Fernández Arroyo (eds.), Private International Law: Contemporary Challenges andContinuing Relevance, 101-146 (Elgar 2019).
  8. United States Report (with Neil Cohen), in D. Girsberger, T. Kadner Graziano & J.L. Neals (eds.), Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts, 1171–1187 (Oxford University Press, 2021).  
  9. , in Libro Homenaje al Profesor Eugenio Hernández-Bretón (2019).
  10. Choice-of-Court Agreements: American Practice in a Comparative Perspective, in A. Bonomi & K.N. Schefer (eds.), U.S. Litigation Today: Still a Threat for European Businesses or Just a Paper Tiger?85-135 (Swiss Inst. Comp. L. 2018). 

Law Review Articles & Essays

  1. Autonomía de la Voluntad y Lex Limitativa, Revista mexicana de derecho internac-ional privado y comparado(forthcoming 2022).
  2. Evrigenis, Cavers, and Currie: Three Private International Law Legends, 2 Evrigenis Yearbook of International and European Law19-37 (2021). 
  3. , 69 American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming 2021)
  4. , 68 American Journal of Comparative Law 235-320 (2020). 
  5. , 67 American Journal of Comparative Law1-97 (2019). 
  6. The “Private” in Private International Law, 9 Maastricht Law Series (2019). 
  7. La convention de Bruxelles cinquante après: une vue de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique, Revue critique de droit international privé, 549-59 (2018). 
  8. , 66 American Journal of Comparative Law1-87 (2018).  
  9. , 78 Louisiana Law Review1119-1161 (2018).
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College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.