Thursday, September 8th

9:30 a.m.
Coffee & Conversation, Montag Den

Join the group for coffee and refreshments, and to meet new members, as we begin the Fall semester.

11:00 a.m.
ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University Michele Gray, Executive Director, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy, Montag Den

We are very pleased to kick off our 2011-2012 semester with a presentation by Michelle Gray on the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy. Created in 2001, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy is a college access program which includes After School Tutoring, a Saturday Academy and Summer Sessions. There are currently 150 students enrolled in the program from 8th – 12th grades. The academy is committed to empowering youth who have the desire and potential to advance to higher education, but who may not have the tools and resources to achieve their goals. Seventy percent of Academy students' families have never been to high school. To date, 94% of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy Students have enrolled in college and 99% have graduated from high school. Learn more about ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Academy, our students and the great work that is being accomplished at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University.

1:00 p.m.
Metal-Based Anti-Cancer Agents Karen McFarlane, WU Chemistry Department Chair, and Carnegie Foundation Oregon Professor of the Year, Ford Hall, Room 122

[No description received]

2:00 p.m.
History Behind the Names of Salem Schools, Billijean Hill [Gary Beck], Ford Hall, Room 122

Beginning with the three Methodist ministers, Parrish, Leslie and Judson, ICL member Billijean Hill will give background information on the lives and times of those people who were chosen to have Salem Middle Schools named after them. The story behind eight other familiar names will be presented.

Tuesday, September 13th

10:00 a.m.
From Nature to Image, Cynthia Herron, Local Artist [Deanna White], Ford Hall, Room 122
This will be a 45-minute slide presentation on Cynthia Herron’s abstract landscape painting, with time for Q and A afterwards. She will discuss her development as an artist, and the theme of Nature which runs through all of her work.

Cynthia's "Poetic Landscape" portfolio can be seen at http://cynthiaherron.com/content/CH_portfolio_colorfield.php
11:00 a.m.
Let's Drink to That! The Long Love Affair Between Humans and Alcohol, Beryl McDonald , Ford Hall, Room 122

Beryl writes: "The title speaks for itself."

1:00–3:00 p.m.
Great Decisions: Banks, Government and Debt Crisis, Mark Kasoff [Jeanette Flaming], Ford Hall, Room 122

ICL member Mark Kasoff will assess the effectiveness of government policy in response to the economic recession starting in 2007 and the bursting financial bubble of 2008. He will focus on what should be done to address the long-term U.S. government debt problem.

Thursday, September 15th

10:00 a.m.
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, 3rd Edition, Prof. Robert Greenberg, Ford Hall, Room 122
After 2010-2011, our first year in memory without this popular lecturer, he returns with another of his many series of video lectures about music. Virginia Corrie-Cozart has again consented to present this series.
Lecture 1. Music as a Mirror
This opening lecture introduces themes, concepts, and terminology that will be used throughout the series. The nature of concert music as a living, breathing entity and not a fossil of the past is introduced. Important definitions and distinctions are discussed, including: concert music, classical music, popular music, and Western music. The concept of music as a mirror is introduced. Lastly, using Ludwig van Beethoven as an example, Prof. Greenberg discusses the composer as a person describing some aspect or aspects of his life and world in his music.
11:00 a.m.
Music Potpourri. Short musical subjects presented by our members. [Grant Hagestedt], Ford Hall, Room 122

Four members will each present one of their favorite recordings, artists, or musical subjects in brief 12 minute slots. Dick Morris, Rosemary Savage, Cathie Olcott, and Charlene Robbins will present the perfect program for those of us who love variety and have short attention spans!!

1:00 p.m.
Take a Break, Julianne Krause, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ U. [Henrietta Griffitts], Ford Hall, Room 122

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University undergraduate student, Julianne Krause, represents Take a Break (TaB), which is a student-led alternative break program that places small groups of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University students, staff, and faculty in communities across America to engage in community service and experiential learning. Students from a myriad of backgrounds, majors, and class years work in conjunction with ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ staff and faculty advisers, and volunteer and community agencies, to focus on a wide variety of social issues such as literacy, poverty, racism, hunger, homelessness, HIV/AIDS and the environment.

2:00 p.m.
Building an Academically Talented and Diverse Class for ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University, Madeleine Eagon Rhyneer, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ U. [Gary Beck], Ford Hall, Room 122

As WU’s VP for Admission and Financial Aid, and Chief Marketing Officer, Ms. Rhyneer is faced with the unenviable task of trying to select a small group of incoming students from the large pool of the best and brightest from around the world. She will discuss just how this challenge works.

Tuesday, September 20th

10:00 a.m.
The State of Agriculture, Methods to Increase Sustainability, and What You Can Do,  W.U. Prof. Jennifer Johns [Bill Griffitts], Ford Hall, Room 122

As this title suggests, during our time together we will discuss the current state of world agriculture, albeit in quite broad terms, touching on methods of production, supply and demand, food scarcity and security. We will narrow our focus to food production in the US and, more specifically, in Oregon. As the first part of this discussion will outline many problems with modern agriculture, the second part will examine a few methods that would make both large- and small-scale agriculture more sustainable. Finally, we will address things you can do both at the market and in your own garden to ensure that more food is produced using sustainable methods.

11:00 a.m.
Questions About Evolution, Larry Hall [Rosemary Savage], Ford Hall, Room 122

Are there alternative views of life’s origins? Many scientists have serious questions as to whether evolution is accurate history. The speaker will discusss some of these questions such as intelligent design, probability problems, and others, and give information for further reading for those interested.

Now retired and living in Silverton, Lawrence (Larry) Hall worked as an attorney. His 39-year career included work with the State Accident Insurance Fund and the State Public Defenders office. He writes of himself that he left ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ U. 55 years ago an agnostic and a believer in evolution. Then, after further education at UC Berkeley, Chapman U., a tour of duty in the Army and law school, he came across evidence rebutting evolution and has continued to study the subject off and on ever since.

1:00 p.m.
Buying Locally, W.U. Prof. Kimberlee Chambers [Bill Griffitts], Ford Hall, Room 122

Advocates of the local food movement argue that making geographically close food choices can increase food security and ensure the economic, ecological, and social sustainability of communities. In this lecture Professor Chambers will present findings from research conducted with ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ students that looks at some challenges of the local food movement and possible areas for opportunities. These results address questions such as "Can we eat locally?" and "What does local mean anyway?". Our findings help consumers make more informed choices and policy makers develop new plans for this region and other areas nationally and internationally.

2:00 p.m.
Ending Hunger Locally, Kat Daniel, Community Partnerships, Marion-Polk Food Share [Bill Griffitts], Ford Hall, Room 122

The longest running game show in the history of U.S. prime time network television was a panel quiz show called What’s My Line?, which ran on CBS from 1950 to 1967, and then in syndication from 1968-1975. The game featured a panel of obviously well-educated, celebrity players who were tasked with determining someone’s occupation through a series of questions such as, “Does your job require a license?” “Do you work with animals?” “Are you a veterinarian?” That kind of thing. Kat has often wondered how anyone would arrive at her job description through those kinds of questions, because the longer she works at what she does, the more convinced she becomes that her “field” deals with something that is largely invisible in our community…HUNGER

Thursday, September 22nd

10:00 a.m.
Health Care in the U.S.–Does It Need Reform? James Huntzicker, Professor & Head of the Division of Management, PSU/OHSU [Peter Rasmussen], Ford Hall, Room 122

Why reform health care? What are the strengths and weaknesses of our current system? How do we perform in objective measures such as life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.? Compare costs with other systems. How does the government currently subsidize health care? Who pays for care of the uninsured?

11:00 a.m.
Health Care Systems in Other Countries: Video Presentation, Peter Rasmussen, Ford Hall, Room 122
In this FRONTLINE program from 2009, Washington Post reporter T. R. Reid surveys a half dozen countries' health care systems. They include advanced western democracies and some nations just emerging into prosperity. Most Americans will be surprised by the variety of options that seem to work better than our system.

1:00 p.m.
"Why Wave a Stick At Those People?", Solveig Holmquist [Gary Beck], Ford Hall, Room 122

The presentation will include a short history of the development of musical conducting and a discussion of what it involves.There will be plenty of time for questions, and you may expect audience participation. No need to wear a tux, but you will come away with your very own baton (OK, chopstick). Dr. Solveig Holmquist is the founder and artistic director of Festival Chorale Oregon, a civic choir in its 31st season. Under her leadership, the Chorale has developed a reputation for musical excellence throughout Western Oregon and in the international community. For over 15 years, Dr. Holmquist was a Professor of Music and director of Choral Studies at Western Oregon University in Monmouth.

Tuesday, September 27th

10:00 a.m.
Listening Through White Ears: Cross-Racial Dialogues as a Strategy to Address the Harmful Gentrification, WU Prof. Emily Drew [Bill Griffitts], Ford Hall, Room 122

Every month residents in a gentrifying Portland neighborhood gather for a cross-racial dialogue in which the long-term African-American residents explain to the new white, middle-class residents how neighborhood change, and their new neighbors' "white behaviors" are harmful. Through participant observations at these dialogues for over two years, as well as in-depth interviews, Dr. Drew uncovered how the Restorative Listening Project (RLP) uses dialogue as a strategy for community formation and "antiracist place-making" in Portland's northeast neighborhood.

1:00 p.m.
City Sustainability Efforts, Annie Gorski, Urban Development Department, City of Salem [Gary Beck], Ford Hall, Room 122
ICL welcomes back Annie Gorski of the City of Salem. Annie will present an overview of Salem's sustainability programs and initiatives including: New Sustainable Office Operations Policy; Earthwise Certification for existing buildings; environmental education programs and support, green jobs; parks and open space, bicycle and pedestrian projects; and, the University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Initiative projects and next steps.
A PDF file of this presentation can be viewed by clicking here. (Note: This is a 4.7MB file, hence a broadband connection is recommended.
2:00 p.m.
What’s Up Doc? Is it Science or Fancy?, Gary Beck, Ford Hall, Room 122
We often think of science as a well ordered, logical series of events that often lead to profound truths. But what about the wild ideas, flights of fancy and just plain dumb guesses that come down the road? Without these there would be far fewer accepted scientific laws. Is the term “impossible” a relative term? ICL member Gary Beck will illustrate with a series of random, unrelated “stabs in the dark” that will someday either be accepted as fact or relegated to the scrap heap of stupid hunches.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Great Decisions, Ray Arana, Salem Contractor [J. Flaming], Ford Hall, Room 122

Ray Arana will share his experiences in Haiti helping the Haitian people learn building skills. He will tell of the inspiration he receives from the Haitians he lives and works with. He will include descriptions of the frustrations and obstacles to the promised support and rebuilding of Haiti.

11:00 a..m.
Great Decisions: How U.S. Foreign Policy is Made, Ken Panck , Ford Hall, Room 122
The US Constitution has been described as an “invitation to struggle” between the President of the United States and Congress over the making of foreign policy. In spite of the tragedy of 9/11, the conflict between the two branches of government continues unabated. How can the President provide effective leadership abroad if Congress blocks his initiatives? How can Congress give the President full rein without abdicating powers vested in it by the Constitution? This Great Decisions session discusses these issues and more.
1:00 p.m.
Great Decisions: American National Security after 9/11 [Jeanette Flaming & Hardin King], Ford Hall, Room 122
This should be an interesting discussion of how our lives and country have changed since that day's sobering event. We will also discuss our own description of 'security' and, perhaps, dream together of how to make that happen.
ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Institute for Continued Learning

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