Student Internship in Museology at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art

Rowan Barton '22

(Majors: Archaeology, Classical Studies and Environmental Science)

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Project/Thesis paper: Roman Glass in the Neumann Collection

Brianna Kurtenbach '22

(Major: History)

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Project/Thesis paper: Ancient Greek Artifacts

McKenna Crowe '21

Archaeology Major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Project/thesis paper: One Lamp to Rule Them All: A Look into the Development and  Popularity of Saucer Lamps Throughout the History of the Levant.

Holly Piper '21

Archaeology/Classical Studies Major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Project/thesis paper: Metal Objects in the Neumann Collection

Peyton Birchler '20

Art History and Creative Writing

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Museum Advisor: Elizabeth Garrison

Project: A Thematic Curriculum of Museum Collections for Educational and Public Use

Luc Marcaeu '18

Classical Studies Major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Museum Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Project: Coptic Textile Fragments


Michelle Atherton ’15

Art History Major, Archaeology and Classical Studies Minor

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Abigail Susik

Museum Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Museum Advisor:Salvador Dali:The Alchemy of the Philosophers

Graham Goodwin '15

Archaeology Major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Museum Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Project: Inclusion and Dissemination of New Information Associated with the Roman Coins of the Hallie Ford Museum

Kirsten Straus ’13

Classical Studies Major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ann Nicgorski

Museum Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Project: Coins of Ancient Empires: The McIntyre Collection Updated

Ms. Straus created an online exhibit of coins in the museum's collection. Kirsten used her $2,500 award to create an online exhibit that is comprehensive but easy to process and understand by anyone viewing the exhibit. Kristen researched a number of new programs for presenting her online exhibit and then chose the one she feels best displays the exhibit and the correlating information. She included coins currently on display as well as coins that are not currently on display.

Student Intern: Reva Main '12

Art History Major, Art Studio Minor

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Roger Hull

Museum Advisor: Jonathan Bucci

Project: Online Exhibitions of the Mark and Janeth Sponenburgh Gallery, the Carl Hall Gallery and the Grande Ronde Gallery

Ms. Main's project is to create online exhibitions of the Hallie Ford Museum’s permanent collection. Reva will use the $2,500 award to create an interactive website for the Mark and Janeth Sponenburgh Gallery, the Carl Hall Gallery and the Grand Ronde Gallery.

Student Intern: Emily Schmierer '11

Anthropology major, Spanish major

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Rebecca Dobkins, Anthropology

Project: Art of Ceremony: An Online Exhibition

Ms. Schmierer organized a series of photos from the Art of Ceremony Exhibit that was held at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in 2008. The collection includes over two thousand photos, consisting of documentation of exhibit preparations, opening ceremonies, exhibition installation, and exhibition objects themselves. In collaboration with Prof. Rebecca Dobkins, Ms. Schmierer created an online exhibit of all these photos, along with information from interviews and other important documentation. This creation of the online exhibit has allowed the audience to enjoy the photos from the physical exhibit long after its closure in 2008.

Student Intern: Holly Steere '09

History major, Art History minor

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Rebecca Dobkins, Anthropology

Project: Transportation of a Native American Collection: A Look into Museum Policies and Practice

Ms. Steere researched the Native American lithics collection held by ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University since the 1940s. The collection, now housed in the Hallie Ford Museum, was amassed primarily by Major Oliver McCleary (1888-1989), and includes a wide range of tools, personal adornments, sculptures, and vessels from the Columbia River region. Her research, in collaboration with Prof. Rebecca Dobkins and Collections Curator Jonathan Bucci resulted in an exhibition of a selection of the objects in the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Gallery, in anticipation of that gallery’s reinstallation in 2010. In addition, Ms. Steere’s archival and library research provided invaluable new information about McCleary and several of the items in the collection.

Student Intern: Lauren Saxton '09

Classics and History majors

Sponsor/Faculty Advisor: Professor Ortwin Knorr, Classics

Project: Ancient Greek Coins

Ms. Saxton catalogued and researched a collection of the Greek coins from the McIntyre Collection of ancient coins that was donated to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in 2006. Her collaborative work with Prof. Ortwin Knorr resulted in a fine on-line exhibition of selected examples. Her research also formed the basis for the first public exhibition of these coins as part of the 2009 re-installation of the Sponenburgh Gallery at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art.

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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