Indie Folk: New Art and Sounds from the Pacific Northwest

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    Marita Dingus, Fabric Basket, 2003, Fabric, metal, 18 x 20 x 20 inches, Courtesy the artist and Traver Gallery, Seattle.

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    Warren Dykeman, So What, 2020, acrylic on paper, 60 x 48 inches, courtesy of the artist and studio e, Seattle.

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    Joe Feddersen, Drizzle, 2018, Monotype, spray paint, and staples. 24 x 17.5 inches, courtesy of the artist and Froelick Gallery, Portland.


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    Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Mourner, 2013, Ladder, canvas, pastels, acrylic, collage, glazed ceramic, and macramé, 79.5 x 108.25 x 58.75 inches, courtesy of the artist; Adams and Ollman, Portland; Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York and Aspen.

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    D.E. May, Untitled, date unknown, Graphite, paint, canvas, and wood, 9.5 x 6 x 5 inches, private collection courtesy of PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, DM2103-926.


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    Cappy Thompson, Beekeeper, 2015, Vitreous enamel reverse-painted on blown glass, 11 x 9 x 7 inches, Courtesy the artist and Traver Gallery, Seattle.

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