• 1

    David Boxley (Tsimshian, b. 1952), Legend Adaox, 1988. Ash, alder, paint; 26 ½ x 25 x 6 in.
    Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 1

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    Doug Cranmer (Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw, 1927–2006), Ravens in Nest, 2005. Silkscreen, 30 x 20 1/2 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 47

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    Beau Dick (Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw, 1955 – 2017), Eagle Helmet, 1987. Wood, fiber, paint; 14 x 18 x 20 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 312

  • 2

    Susan Point (Musqueam/Coast Salish, b. 1952), Nowhere Left, 2000. Silkscreen, 30 x 30 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 539

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    Robert Davidson (Haida, b. 1946), There is Light in Darkness, 2012. Silkscreen, 60 x 30 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 272

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    Freda Diesing (Haida, 1925 –2002), Beaver Box Design, 1979. Silkscreen, 17 ¼ x 22 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 439
  • 5

    Tom Hunt (Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw, b. 1964), Owl Mask, 1997. Wood, cedar bark, paint; 12 x 11 x 8 in. Collection of George and Colleen Hoyt 41

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