Dick Elliott and Jane Orleman worked together for over 35 years to create this tremendous garden art installation on their property. The garden combines over 10,000 bottle caps, thousands of reflectors, and a myriad of other surprising objects with the philosophy that "one hearty laugh is worth ten trips to the doctor." In this magical menagerie, bike wheels spin in the wind, colors reflect and water flashes. The works of over 40 Northwest artists can also be found throughout the garden. Everywhere you look, humor, beauty and the unexpected await you. Jane Orleman continues to enjoy gardening and changing and adding pieces to the yard.


"Until you actually see it and have the light work magic on you, then you say 'Ah ha! Now I get it!' Things blow in the wind and the flowers are as much a part of the whole unit as individual art pieces."

- Dick Elliott


"A ten year old boy came and knocked on the door one day and he asked, 'Is this what you call imagination?'"

- Jane Orleman

Visiting Dick and Jane's Spot

The garden is located at the corner of 1st & Pearl Street in Ellensburg, Washington. If you are visiting, you are welcome to travel around the perimeter of the garden but please note that the interior, beyond the fence, is private. Public parking is located on the north side of the house.

Take a Virtual Tour of Dick and Jane's Spot (click the image to start your tour)

Dick and Jane Talk About Their Garden (click the image to visit the video)

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