Policy on Academic Achievement

At the conclusion of each semester, the academic records of all students working for undergraduate degrees are reviewed by the Academic Status Committee, a standing committee of the undergraduate faculty. In the cases of students whose work does not meet the University's expectations, the committee determines whether an individual student is: (1) warned about academic progress; (2) placed on academic probation; (3) placed on academic suspension; or (4) dismissed for academic insufficiency. Academic probation, suspension, and dismissal will be noted on the student's transcript.

The criteria used in these determinations include the following academic deficiencies:

  • Semester g.p.a. below 2.00
  • Cumulative g.p.a. below 2.00
  • Major and/or minor g.p.a. below 2.00
  • Completion by a full-time student of fewer than twelve credits
  • Serious academic difficulty as determined by the Academic Status Committee

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