Course Listings

Women's and Gender Studies

WGS 353W Feminist Theory (4)

This interdisciplinary course will examine such basic issues as gender difference and its relationship to women's subordination; the intersections of gender with other dimensions of social identity and power (e.g., class, race/ethnicity, sexuality, nation); the way gendered discourse shapes social reality. These issues will be discussed from a variety of feminist theoretical perspective (e.g., those influenced by liberalism, Marxism/socialism, psychoanalysis, radical feminism, post-modernism, and post-colonialism). Closed to first-year students.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences; PDE
  • Prerequisite: WGS 134 or WGS 245
  • Offering: Spring
  • Instructor: Staff

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