Course Listings

Public Health

PHEAL 301 Public Health Ethics (4)

This course focuses on the roles of ethics, advocacy, and leadership in public health theory and practice. What is involved in becoming an ethical public health practitioner? What sorts of ethical criteria and procedural conditions are necessary to ensure the normative rightness of research design, empirical analyses, and programmatic interventions in public health? Given demonstrable inequities in the distribution of health, morbidity, and mortality, how can social justice attentive to underserved and vulnerable populations be advanced through public health? Through case-studies students will practice evidence-based ethical deliberation and advocacy. Intended for HEAL majors, but open to all students with health and justice-related interests.

  • Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or above; PHEAL 201 recommended
  • Offering: Annually
  • Instructor: Basu

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