Course Listings


HIST 394 Internship (2 or 4)

The Internship in the Department of History is designed to allow students to have the opportunity to work in a local museum or archive, at a local historical site, or with other organizations engaged in projects of a historical nature. The course allows students the opportunity to explore the kind of work that professionals in the field do, while assisting a local heritage organization in their work.

The Internship is completed under the guidance of the director of the program. Students may take this course for either 2 or 4 semester hours. Students completing the 2 semester hours option complete 3-8 hours a week at the Internship site, remain in regular communication with the Internship director, and complete a report on their experience. Students completing the 4 semester hours option complete at least 10 hours a week at the Internship site, remain in regular communication with the Director, and complete a major project or paper upon completion. The course may not be taken for more than 4 semester hours in History.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Jopp

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