Course Listings


CHEM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

An in-depth look at the chemical phenomena that are at work in the world around us. Case studies are used to explore in further detail concepts first introduced in General Chemistry I. Discussions include: light, energy, and energy levels; electron configuration and the periodic table; bonding and bond energies; kinetics and reaction mechanisms; solubility and colligative properties; acid/base equilibria; and redox reactions. These chemical principles will be discussed in relation to environmental issues such as smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole; technologies such as lasers and semiconductors; and physiological phenomena such as pH regulation. Laboratory required.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Natural Sciences
  • Prerequisite: CHEM 115
  • Corequisite: CHEM 116Y
  • Offering: Spring
  • Instructor: Staff

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