1. Develop a Project Idea: Develop an idea for an art-, music-, or theatre-based project to help propel your craft to a new level. Remember that you will be expected to work full time (40 hours/week) on your project, thus it should be more ambitious than anything you could do in a regular semester. You are strongly advised to consult with one or more professors in your department about potential projects.

2. Find a faculty mentor. This will most likely be one of the professors you have consulted with while developing your project idea. Provide potential faculty mentor(s) with the useful information sheet.

3. Look at the so you know the final format in which you will submit your application.

4. Prepare the following:

  • Project Narrative (approx. 500 words)
    • The project narrative should address the following:
      • Your proposed project’s outcomes: what you want to focus on, and why;
      • How this project will assist in your career or academic artistic ambitions;
      • The nature of the anticipated outcome (portfolio, artistic product, public performance, etc.)
      • Description of Preparation
        • Briefly explain your preparation to undertake this project: e.g., relevant coursework, previous artistic experience, subject area skills, technical skills, or plans to gain them during the project.
        • Describe your access to the facilities necessary to execute your proposed project. Ensure you have consulted with faculty/staff to gain permission to use necessary campus space for the project if it is funded.
        • Budget
          • Your budget should list all anticipated uses of the stipend. For example: supplies, equipment, rent, food, etc.
          • Timeline
            • Your timeline should be a week-by-week calendar of your project from beginning to end for the eight weeks of the project.

5. Seek feedback from your mentor and revise your narrative, budget and timeline.

6. Seek Faculty Mentor Recommendation: Each student needs a recommendation from their faculty mentor. Give your mentor the ; ensure they also have the Faculty Information Sheet.

7. Create a PDF of your Degree Audit. You will be prompted to upload it to the online application.

8. Upload examples of past artistic work to illustrate your current body of artistic work.

9. Submit the application.

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