ࡱ> BDA \bjbj .*\,,Ti     $M!#d  #GGG"  GGGV@h Z0_h 90ixc$*c$hc$hlGGic$, L: Application Instructions Required ElementSuggested File NameCCRSG Application Lastname-application.pdfProject Proposal (see instructions below)Lastname-proposal.pdfOptional supporting documents (see below)Lastname-appendices.pdfCCSRG Student Contract Lastname-studentcontract.pdfCCSRG Sponsor Contract Lastname-sponsorcontract.pdfStudent Waiver Form)Lastname-waiver.pdfWU Unofficial Transcript (get from WebAdvisor)Lastname-WUtranscript.pdfCCSRG Sponsor Form or Letter of Support (submitted by sponsor)See below Project Proposal A project proposal is no more than six pages, not including any appendices. Double-space the proposal, using one-inch margins and a font no smaller than 11-point. Include the following: Page One Name GPA Major Project Title Principal Advisor Name Project Abstract (50-word maximum) Pages Two through Six Description of the project, including rationale, research design and its relationship to your colloquium; Statement on the importance of your project to your own long-term goals; Outline for completion of your project, including a timeline. Appendices You may attach additional supporting documents such as photographs, artwork, letters of cooperation from agencies or persons necessary to your research, charts and graphs. These will not count toward your page limit. Be sure to rename all scanned documents before submitting. Name each supporting document, including your last name as part of the file name. Submitting Your Application Applications are submitted online via a Google form (https://goo.gl/forms/SOWLFk7xkkWogKWD2). Fill out the form and upload the requested documents into the form, using the suggested file names from the table above. 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